Wednesday, February 18, 2009

everything is everything else

So those of you who have been keeping up with my flickr will have seen my recent uploads of a spate of double exposures. There's a kind of interesting story behind this. When I was home over winter break, I found a roll of Fuji Superia. I have never bought or shot Superia, but my parents and I figured I must have picked it up somewhere. So, I shot it a few weeks ago. When I first got these photos back I thought I got someone else's. Then I looked closer and realized that this roll was first exposed at least ten years ago, back when we first got my dog. The result is, I think, an interesting juxtapostion of how 10 years can change what a definition of home is. Unintentionally, almost all of the photos double exposed on my roll are of some of the most important people in my life or places in my life at both times. I am beyond pleased with the results. Below are my favorites. What a lucky accident.

I love the eye peeking out here from the burner.

Like father like son. The exposure with my dad is from decorating the tree this year. Both exposures are from the same room in my home in new hampshire, 10 years apart.

I really like the way the trees disintegrate the bottom of the frame in this one.

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